video: carp on fly
With the days getting hotter, the best time for carp fly fishing is approaching – super exciting sightfishing, clever fish, and lots of power! Here is a short video from last year.
With the days getting hotter, the best time for carp fly fishing is approaching – super exciting sightfishing, clever fish, and lots of power! Here is a short video from last year.
CARP! Another one of those fish species, I haven’t yet given much attention and slowly getting the feeling that I have missed some excellent fishing! Especially now, when summer is reaching its peak, it is warm and sunny, those carps are getting really active! The […]
While most of Germany was watching the first match of the Soccer Worldcup against Mexico, I decided to go fishing and enjoy the silence and the solitude in a usually busy stretch of the Danube. After some wonderful weeks with the mayfly, I was excited […]
“DA KOMMT WAS…” geht es mir durch den Kopf als ich mit dem Auto nach Hause fahre. Am Horizont türmen sich weiße Wolkenberge, deren dunkle Schatten immer länger werden, erstes Donnergrollen ist zu hören. Es ist wie die Kulisse in einem Film, und der Film […]