The Odenwald is a low mountain range in Southern Germany. It rises just a few miles behind wellknown cities such as Heidelberg, where my brother lives. He has discovered a couple of nice small creeks in the Odenwald, where fishing licences are easily available and there is a very good wild brown trout population!
This time we tried a really small creek which proved very difficult to fish with the flyrod! Either the banks were covered with a thorny blackberry jungle or the treecrowns had crown a roof above the water. Both made casting into the 3 to 5-foot wide creek quite challenging.

I finally succeded with my 7’6″ 3wt rod and a relatively short leader of only six feet. Armed with either tiny streamers (almost like weighted wet flies) or nymphs I crawled on all fours towards the spot and made a short cast, followed by some mends or a rollcast. The water was gin clear and the fish very cautious. Nevertheless we found extremely nice colored browns in almost every turn or riffle. Mostly the fish were small but one nice brown was close to 40cm.