After an unusually warm and sunny month of March, snow and cold came just in time for the trout opening. The first few days of April brought more snow and lower temperatures than the entire winter… not really a good thing for nature, with all the plants starting to bloom and birds building nests… hopefully the damage will not be too big.

But whatever the conditions, I had to go fishing on Saturday and since my wife needed the car, I took the bike and cycled over snowy paths to our little trout stream. The water was slightly milky and all the land was covered in a light cover of snow, the wind blowing. And although it was horrible weather by common view, I can actually see something soothing in all this: you rarely meet someone in these conditions and you can concentrate entirely on the fishing, forget all the hardships of job and daily routine. It was a wonderful day!

Small woolly buggers work great in the early season. Black or olive are great colors, and you just need some patience until sooner or later the strike will come. It is always a great moment to land the first trout of the season, with its blue cheeks and the light golden belly. Our native brown trout must be the most beautiful fish of all 🙂

In the afternoon, a few fish were even rising occasionally – probably small graylings. In a few weeks time, the big fish will start rising aswell, with the first chances of catching a 20in+ fish on dry fly. Until then, the chances are there to catch the biggest ones of the season on small streamers and I am curious to learn what surprises this season has in store for me…