enraged or offended?

My dad recently noted that I hadn’t yet caught a pike this year… hadn’t I? NO INDEED, I had not! Somehow I had rather gone fishing for barbel, trout or whatever came along. But I had recently tied supernice streamers (Gunnar Brammer’s “MegaJerk”), which moved […]


Barbels are really on fire at the moment! Recently I managed to catch my biggest one so far in the Danube River on a tiny nymph. The fish was 75cm in length and fought extremely well! Besides this fish, I caught the occasional chub which […]

perch on the fly

Besides the wonderful trout fishing, I also enjoy fishing for other species. So when me and my family decided to spend our holidays camping at a lake in Bavaria (“Gruentensee”), it was clear that I would try to catch perch with little streamers. Perch are […]