after the rain

We had rain… lots of rain! The river is still full tot he brim, but this is it. The rain is through and suddenly summer is here. The evening sun is flashing through the trees, only rarely a cloud crosses the sky. But it has […]

dry time

A great variety and number of insects is hatching at the moment. Mayflies, stoneflies and caddis – they are all here! And for a short time each day – often not more than half an hour – the water seems to boil! The surface action […]

video: SAUDI ARABIA – fishing the Red Sea

My brother and I had long dreamed of fishing the Red Sea after so many years, and hoped that it would still be as wonderful as we remembered it from our childhood. After 27 years, my brother and I returned to Saudi Arabia in feburary […]

top or flop

Everything is possible in April… since trout season began on 1.April, the weather has shown us everything it has to give. Cold nights, and ice covering everything on sunrise, the days a mix of sun and storm and rain and snow… days to celebrate a […]

everything flows

Every season opening is a bit different… the weather, the water, the fish and even myself, are changing continuously. Except for the fact that on the evening before I realize that I should eventually sit down and tie some flies… and that it gets late […]