mohican mayfly – CDC variation
The “mohican mayfly” developped by Oliver Edwards is one of my favorites. This fly catches very well, it is almost unsinkable and holds up very well even after many hooked fish.
The “mohican mayfly” developped by Oliver Edwards is one of my favorites. This fly catches very well, it is almost unsinkable and holds up very well even after many hooked fish.
Some fish haunt me more than others, some are different… and it is not necessarily the size of a fish which makes it so desirable to catch it. Last year, I had already struggled with a trout I had encountered in mayfly season. Fish were […]
There are probably not many people who know the waters of Southern Germany better than my good friend Patrick. We both share a passion for small, naturally flowing streams and when he invited me to fish such a stream with him, I was immediately hooked! […]
The hawthornfly is here! Fly fishers usually call it by its Latin name “bibio” and you will also find it under this name in most of the flyfishing literature. I mentioned this fly already in my last post, and it came even better than I […]
In the last few weeks, fishing has been good, but not extraordinary. The ressurection of nature after the winter has been the true highlight on my fishing excursions… it is a great wonder to me, year and again: almost every day, the landscape changes. It is becoming greener, the birds louder, the evenings longer.
Mayflies are almost irresistable for trout. And that applies not only to the flying insect, but also to the larva or nymph, which is one of the biggest insect larvae…
There are hundreds of patterns from which to chose, but you can always take only a few to the water. Take a look into my fly box!
With around 100 fishing days per year, tackle and equipment in my hands quickly shows if it has been well made. Here you’ll find some reviews and suggestions.
Knifemaking has been a passion of mine for much longer than fly fishing. It is in fact the complete opposite of fishing: fire is the element I have to master in my forge.
Schon länger wollte ich ein größeres Allzweck-Messer machen, das scharf genug ist um damit in der Küche zu arbeiten, aber robust genug um auch mal kleinere Holzarbeiten auszuführen, zu schnitzen und zu hacken. Die Form der Klinge ist angelehnt an frühmittelalterliche Sax-Klingen. Charakteristisch ist dabei […]